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James Cook University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Hear from Laly Navarro, a previous SMT Graduate. Laly studied a Master of Engineering at RMIT and is now a Packaging Unit Manager.

Laly Navarro

  • Graduate stories
Hear from Laly Navarro, a previous SMT Graduate. Laly studied a Master of Engineering at RMIT and is now a Packaging Unit Manager.

Laly Navarro

  • Graduate stories
Chevron are big on self-development, so I am constantly learning and devote 20% of my time each week on upskilling.

Lance D’Antoine

  • Graduate stories
Chevron are big on self-development, so I am constantly learning and devote 20% of my time each week on upskilling.

Lance D’Antoine

  • Graduate stories
I find it cool that I can establish working relationships with influencers! It’s thrilling to work with them, and it’s even more fun when we collaborate on our ideas together. Other than that, I love being able to build rapport with teams from other markets.

Lane Laguisma

  • Graduate stories
I find it cool that I can establish working relationships with influencers! It’s thrilling to work with them, and it’s even more fun when we collaborate on our ideas together. Other than that, I love being able to build rapport with teams from other markets.

Lane Laguisma

  • Graduate stories
"Rans Entertainment bikin aku berkembang banget. Apalagi sejak hari pertama masuk, aku udah diberi tanggungjawab untuk hands on materi tentang brand"

Laora Octavia

  • Graduate stories
"Rans Entertainment bikin aku berkembang banget. Apalagi sejak hari pertama masuk, aku udah diberi tanggungjawab untuk hands on materi tentang brand"

Laora Octavia

  • Graduate stories
I love the satisfaction of completing each payment run and the adrenaline after getting all payments signed off before the payment cut-off time.

Lara Cody

  • Graduate stories
I love the satisfaction of completing each payment run and the adrenaline after getting all payments signed off before the payment cut-off time.

Lara Cody

  • Graduate stories
I chose Mechanical Engineering because I feel that it is an area that can cover other disciplines. The skills are transferrable and universal.

Larissa Cortez Bran

  • Graduate stories
I chose Mechanical Engineering because I feel that it is an area that can cover other disciplines. The skills are transferrable and universal.

Larissa Cortez Bran

  • Graduate stories
"Selama aku internship di sini, hal yang paling aku sukai adalah fakta kalo sebagai seorang intern, perlakuannya tidak dibedakan dengan karyawan tetap."

Latifa Safiat Ayu

  • Graduate stories
"Selama aku internship di sini, hal yang paling aku sukai adalah fakta kalo sebagai seorang intern, perlakuannya tidak dibedakan dengan karyawan tetap."

Latifa Safiat Ayu

  • Graduate stories
To me, OW is the place where you go not just to fix a problem, but to really build something new. The culture has a huge emphasis on challenging conventional thinking to help chart new futures for our clients and communities. 

Laura Bui

  • Graduate stories
To me, OW is the place where you go not just to fix a problem, but to really build something new. The culture has a huge emphasis on challenging conventional thinking to help chart new futures for our clients and communities. 

Laura Bui