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Queensland Government Digital Graduate Program

  • > 100,000 employees

Salary at Queensland Government Digital Graduate Program

7.0 rating for Salary, based on 7 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
It would be nice to get bonuses but as a government company, we do not.
Midlevel, Brisbane
The pay is ok, but people doing the same work may get paid more or less. Kind of hard to get promoted as your role has a designated pay rate, and you have to apply for a vacated role at a higher rate.
Midlevel, Brisbane
Not very good to be honest, don't get really any bonuses, paid low compared to private.
Midlevel, Brisbane
Pay is decent but cannot afford bonuses of any kind. Ethics and all that.
Midlevel, Townsville
Pay is probably a bit below the equivalent in the private sector, however flexible working, additional Super and workplace culture go some way to making it up.
Pay is lacking. It is well below the private companies.
Graduate, Brisbane
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
We don't have any perks. I guess the only thing would be free flu shots.
Midlevel, Brisbane
Visiting cool research facilities to work on equipment. Not true for most teams in the department.
Midlevel, Brisbane
Taxi voucher (for work related events) Can get free tickets to cyber security conferences
Midlevel, Brisbane
Government pays higher than standard to superannuation. It is good.
Midlevel, Townsville
Additional super on top of the legal requirements
Free parking, onsite gym.
Graduate, Brisbane