Parents & Carers at Nous Group
We celebrate diversity in gender, sexual orientation, age, cultural background, national origin, disability, faith, education, family structures, socio-economic background, neurodiversity and more.
Our goal for Nous Group is to be an inclusive, equitable workplace that celebrates the diversity and value of all Nousers and meets the diverse needs of our clients by considering a broad range of perspectives in a creative, high-performance environment.
We acknowledge that people have different lived experiences, and navigate (often unseen) barriers, unconscious bias and intersectional experiences. We believe equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is essential to a just and equitable society and to the experience and performance of individuals at Nous and all workplaces.
The Nousers with Young and Future Families Network aims to provide a supportive and more connected experience for Nousers who have children or are hoping to have children in the future. The Network acts as a sounding board and advocate for those preparing for parental leave and those transitioning back into the working world.
To read more about Nous' commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion please see here.