Consultant at Nous Group
Bachelor of Advanced Science at University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Alarm. Hmmm, I am not quite ready to get up yet. Snooze.
I only snooze the alarm once before pulling myself out of bed. I know I am seeing a client today, so make sure to put on something professional before I jump on my bike and cycle into the city.
On my way to the office, I swing by my favorite coffee shop. Although they aren’t officially open this early, the barista is more than happy to feed my addiction. We exchange knowledge about the great hiking spots in the area, and honestly, I couldn’t think of a better way to start the day.
By 7.30 am, I am at my desk eating breakfast while I check my emails and set up my day. One of my project managers has sent through feedback on a final deliverable we are working on. For this project, we are working to build an evaluation framework that can monitor the progress of a program run by a federal government agency. I currently have three projects on the go, so jump straight into actioning the feedback, which will mean I can spend time later in the day on other work.
I sent the framework back to my team for a final review; it is nearly client-ready! It is great to see our work over the past 5 months taking its final form.
I spend the next hour or so doing research for another project. As this project has only been ‘live’ for a few days, we are working at a pace to wrap our heads around the organization's broader operating environment. This work will provide the background we need to help the client develop their 10-year strategy.
When I first started at Nous, I was assigned a ‘buddy’ to answer any of my questions and help me settle in. My buddy and I have become great friends and still catch up regularly. We grab a takeaway coffee and go for a walk around the block, so we can enjoy the sunshine.
My buddy and I get back from our walk just in time for the quiz! At 12 each day, our office gathers in the kitchen to have lunch together and participate in a trivia extravaganza. It is a great chance to check in and see what others in the office are working on.
This afternoon I am helping to facilitate a workshop. I print off the last of the material we need and, with my team, catch an uber over to the client’s office.
There are two of us from Nous and 7 senior people from the client’s organization. This workshop is the first of two workshops designed to help the client define their purpose, values, and behaviors. I lead an icebreaker, which helps set the tone. We want to create an interactive and relatively informal atmosphere, so people feel comfortable contributing.
My project manager runs the first session and then supports me while I run the second. As workshop facilitation is a skill I would like to develop further, my project manager works to make sure I regularly have the opportunity to practice.
After getting back to the office, I quickly jotted down my final workshop notes and structured the workshop output report. We have a few days to send the client our report, so we will start work on this first thing in the morning!
I have to be out the door by 6 pm to make my evening pottery class. As I quickly run out the door, I say a few final goodbyes and sign off for the night. My team knows I won’t sign on again until the morning, so my evening is work free.
After pottery, I whip up a quick dinner, being sure to pack some away for lunch the next day. Although there are many great food options around the office, I prefer to bring in my own lunch on the days I am not meeting friends.
Before heading to bed, I pack my bag and iron my ‘business clothes’ ready for when I meet with my client tomorrow. I try to get to bed quickly as I have to be up extra early tomorrow to make a 6 am boxing class before heading into the office and doing it all again tomorrow!