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  • > 100,000 employees

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders at BHP

BHP wants their workplaces to be a place where everyone is respected and valued, a place that is an enjoyable and inclusive place to work.

Many of BHP’s global operations are located on or near the traditional lands of Indigenous peoples. BHP acknowledges that they have a profound responsibility to recognise and respect their status as First Peoples. 

  • BHP’s Indigenous Peoples Strategy provides a global framework for how they engage with Indigenous peoples.
  • The Strategy focuses on 4 strategic areas: governance, economic empowerment, social & cultural support and public engagement.
  • BHP has partnership agreements in place with Traditional Owner Groups which contain commitments to education, training and employment.
  • Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in BHP’s Australian host communities is an important part of their social licence to operate and is a key element of their Inclusion and Diversity agenda and Mineral Australia's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
  • BHP was one of the first organisations in Australia to establish a RAP.
  • BHP employed 274 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander trainees and apprentices over the duration of their last RAP.
  • BHP plans to increase Indigenous participation to 9.7% by 2027.
  • BHP encourages cultural understanding through cultural competency training, which 22,340 Australia-based employees have completed.
  • In demonstrating its support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses, during a three-year period, contracts totaling more than $354 million were awarded by BHP's Australian operations to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.
  • BHP has contributed over $52 million towards improved education, social and life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Visit our website for more information about our committment to strengthing our inclusion and diversity culture - Inclusion and diversity | BHP.