Updating Results

Queensland Government

  • > 100,000 employees

Management at Queensland Government

8.5 rating for Management, based on 22 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Managers have been great. Very accessible, and easy to talk to or ask questions.
Graduate, Brisbane
Yes. The managers are very accessible and are great mentors. They will go out of their way to tell you how great you are doing and appreciate your efforts. They are also willing to provide career advice and be supportive of your decisions.
Graduate, Brisbane
Managers are very good. I have regular check-ins with them and they make sure I am happy with what I'm doing.
Graduate, Brisbane
Yes, and no - I've had trouble understanding what the scope of my role is and what my priorities are with other departments suddenly giving me deadlines I wasn't aware of. Aside from that, decent support and quite friendly.
Graduate, Brisbane
Really good. Managers are supportive and work with their teams well.
Graduate, Brisbane
In term of mentor my manager is really friendly and we catchup every two weeks. If I have any issues, then we connect through MS Teams or we catch up in office when available.
Graduate, Brisbane
Yes it has been really great.
Graduate, Brisbane
Managers are very accessible, help me learn the ropes in the company
Graduate, Brisbane
For the short time I've been here the managers have been so welcoming and make sure they secure enough time to have talks with everyone. They let me know about any obligations or opportunities to develop my skills.
Graduate, Brisbane City
Very little praise or recognition, plenty of communication between team leader and management. Barely any communication from management to the rest of the team.
Graduate, Brisbane
I was assigned a 'buddy' when I started which was fantastic to help me learn the ropes of the government and a new job. My manager is fantastic, we speak weekly and it's generally a mixture of performance/informal meetings. They provide good feedback and suggestions with regards to my work.
Graduate, Brisbane
Overall is very good, managers are accessible and willing to help.
Midlevel, Brisbane
Great managers could do with more mentoring but they are so busy they don't have time. They need more staff to spread out the work.
Graduate, Brisbane
My manager in ESM and ESE are probably the best managers I've had. I'd be happy to work under them for a long time assuming I stay at the Department. I can always talk to them without worrying and their management style has created a team culture I want to be part of. I get proper recognition when applicable and similar proper feedback for improvement as well.
Graduate, Brisbane
Direct managers are very involved on a daily basis.
Graduate, Brisbane