We offer a wide range of services, webinars and resources to assist with your career planning, employability, and successful transition into graduate employment.
Join our popular webinars and get a jumpstart on your employability – book via CareerHub (https://careerhub.jcu.edu.au/)
The Careers and Employability service offers in person, Zoom, phone and email support. Connect with our highly experienced staff to get support with your career planning and preparation, job searches and applications.
It's never too early to set your career goals and start working towards them. JCU Job Ready is a checklist of steps you can take to maximise your graduate employability. Start now and complete as many actions as possible for employment success and take charge of your future career. Find copies at our office or online.
CareerHub is JCU's online job portal and part of Australia's largest student employment network. CareerHub advertises graduate, part-time, casual, vacation and volunteer opportunities, as well as virtual and on campus career events/webinars. You will also receive weekly CareerHub eNewsletters which provide a snapshot of recent employment opportunities based on your individual CareerHub profile.
Search the JCU Career Directory for graduate jobs, internships and virtual experiences. You'll also find virtual fairs, graduate profiles, career advice and reviews tailored to your specific study field and industry.
This self-paced program is a series of modules designed to assist you with career exploration, enhance your employability, and support your transition into professional employment. The modules explore contemporary career development and employability practices to help you succeed in an increasingly complex and competitive labour market. Dive in, download the activity books, and get the employability edge.
Job interviews can be challenging and performed in different formats. This training portal provides practice software to help improve your interview techniques and build confidence. Big Interview offers a comprehensive suite of training videos covering all aspects of the recruitment process and a database with over 1000 interview questions and tips on how to answer them. The interactive interview simulation program provides hands-on practice through mock interviews tailored to your specific industry, job and experience level. It can help you land your dream job, so log on today and start practising.
Contact us:
Phone: (07) 4232 1150 (Cairns)
Phone: (07) 4781 4711 (Townsville)
Email: careers@jcu.edu.au
Location: Level 1, JCU Library