Updating Results

Department of Transport and Main Roads

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Department of Transport and Main Roads

8.9 rating for Working Hours, based on 31 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
My team is very flexible. The standard is 7.25 hours with any extra being accrued as flex leave. This is really handy if you need a sudden day off or to finish early or start late one day. In my team, if you let your manager and leadership team at least a few days beforehand, you can usually get the time you need off. we do have a few months around the end of financial year where we can't take leave because we are trying to finish the audits but even then, we work around each other. We also do work from home 2 days a week which we have set days, but you can change them with a bit of notice if necessary.
Graduate, Brisbane
50% at office and 50% at home per fortnight
Graduate, Brisbane
It is great. I work 7.25 hours and whatever hours I work outside that time, they are accumulated, and I can take them as flex time.
Graduate, Rockhampton
Hours are excellent with work from home abilities.
Graduate, Brisbane
7.25 hour days and we have 50/50 work from home
Graduate, Brisbane
My hours are excellent. there is flexibility to complete 7.25 hours between the hours of 6am to 6pm, so that is flexible enough for me.
Graduate, Rockhampton
Work hours are very flexible can't complain.
Graduate, Gold Coast
Work hours are really flexible - especially when working from home. Managers are supportive of us having time off.
Graduate, Brisbane
Management has a strong stance on being flexible, enabling colleagues to work from home on an adhoc basis (if personal challenges limit your ability to be in office). Typical work hours are between 9:30-4, with a management expectation that you complete your minimum hours between 6am-6pm. Accrued leave is encouraged to be built up, to allow flexible work hours if required.
Graduate, Brisbane
I work 36.25 hours per week per contract. Sometimes this is more, sometimes this is less, as long as my banked hours aren't depleted. These hours can be used working from home or in the office, and it is encouraged that we push this as close to 50% for each. I usually lean more towards being in the office more.
Graduate, Brisbane
I am in the office 50% of the time, working from home the other 50%, which is perfect for me due to a long commute. The number of hours per day is comfortable and the Accrued Hours system allows for a great amount of flexibility.
Graduate, Brisbane
You can choose what hours you do. As long as you work 7.25 hours a day and you are in the office 50% of the time. Everyone is flexible in what you do, as long as you are continuing to develop your skills and giving it a go.
Graduate, Brisbane
It stands out as the absolute best. The working culture is flexible, but I do wish they would reconsider the 50:50 rule for working from the office. Numerous private companies are embracing increased flexibility, shifting the trend and making the private sector more enticing than ever.
Graduate, Brisbane
Very flexible
Graduate, Brisbane
At Roadtek, my typical work hours are from 7 AM to 4 PM. I often work slightly longer hours and accumulate any extra time worked to take a roster day off every fortnight, which is optional. We have the flexibility to start early and finish early as long as we meet the standard required hours. When I used to work with other branch/division within the department, my work hours were from 9 AM to 5 PM. There, we had a broader range of working hours, from 6 AM to 6 PM, to cover the standard work hours.
Graduate, Cairns
Very flexible WFH days are great too!
Graduate, Brisbane
Overall not bad, but room for improvement
Graduate, Brisbane
The time spent in office is dependant on work load and how individuals schedule and plan their workload. 7.25 hours is the standard work hours in the office however I've often had to stay longer due to workloads. Nothing too unmanageable and the team leaders are often making sure that we don't overwork ourselves.
Graduate, Brisbane
I have greatly appreciated the flexibility that I have with my working arrangements. My start/finish times are flexible, and I have a nice balance of working from home and office days. I have been able to adjust these arrangements as needed.
Graduate, Brisbane
Extremely flexible. Within my unit, staff can work as much or as little in the office as they wish.
Graduate, Brisbane