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James Cook University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Everything is planned out and organised for the graduates. It's obvious that Transpower has put a lot of effort into ensuring we felt well-supported as we transitioned from students to working in the industry.

Hanna Cheng

  • Graduate stories
Every ‘no’ is one step closer to a ‘yes’, so don’t let the rejections bring you down. Keep pushing forward and show your worth.

Hannah Teonea

  • Graduate stories
Jamuna Sharma Dhakal studied Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering at the Auckland University of Technology and is now a Graduate Engineer at Powerco.

Jamuna Sharma Dhakal

  • Day in the life

Jamuna Sharma Dhakal

Jamuna Sharma Dhakal studied Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering at the Auckland University of Technology and is now a Graduate Engineer at Powerco.
  • Graduate stories
Contact ticked all the boxes: sustainability as its core focus, commitment to community, work flexibility, and caring for their people.

Jemesa Landers

  • Day in the life

John He

Today we discussed the vector group and phase shifting as one my other projects involve exploring the idea of using phase shift transformers to tie two 11kV networks operating 30 degrees apart.
  • Graduate stories
My favourite thing about Powerco is the people. Having good relationships with people across the business has been great for me.

Joshua Van Rynbach

  • Day in the life

Joshua Van Rynbach

The Powerco office in New Plymouth is in a nice section of native bush, and commonly on nice days you will see groups of people walking around the perimeter of the office.