Updating Results

Teach For Australia

  • 100 - 500 employees

Lead Up Education Experience

Event expired

Event Details

Wed 24 Nov 2021, 11:00am
Thu 25 Nov 2021, 6:00pm
Time Zone

On Teach For Australia's two-day Lead-Up Experience, you'll develop a deep understanding of the 'on the ground' and systemic issues that confront the education of Australia's young people.

You'll gain insight into Teach For Australia's one-of-a-kind graduate Leadership Development Program and kick-start your career. This experience lasts two days and will give you insight into the life of a Teach For Australia Associate.

On the Lead Up Experience, you will learn how Associates combine training, work and life. You'll see how even young leaders can create immediate impact and you will grow your own leadership capacity by working with like-minded individuals on a proposal to give students access to the education all young people deserve.

We'll also give you the low-down on how to apply for the Program and what subjects will help you step into the classroom.

Over the two days you will:

  • Engage in dialogue with teachers, students and leaders to deepen your understanding of issues they are facing, and how they are working to address these problems.
  • Work with a multi-disciplinary team of students and an Alumni mentor to propose a plan to address these issues.
  • Perfect your presentation skills using the techniques for engagement that teachers use every day and present your proposal for change.
  • Work on your own leadership skills in areas like building teams, creating shared goals, maintaining motivation, and leveraging others' insights to find innovative solutions.

Applications are now open and will close on 31 October 2021.