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Application Process & Interviews at PEXA

8.4 rating for Recruitment, based on 4 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Fairly standard application/interview process. Online application, online assessments, 1-way online video interview, in-person interview and assessment centre.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Oct 2021
My interview process was a standard process for a graduate program. I initially applied for my role by sending in my CV and later received a link to conduct a video assessment (which I completed at the very last minute). PEXA then invited me into their offices where I had a personal interview with all 3 of the direct managers of the rotations the graduate program was hiring for. Shortly after, on the same day, i received my formal offer!
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Oct 2021
The graduate interview process was very similar to many other companies. It started with an online psychometric test followed by a pre-recorded video interview. The final step was an assessment centre which involved group activities with other applicants and a 2-on-1 interview at the end in which involved behavioural questions as well as a discussion on a pre provided topic. I was then contacted and verbally offered a graduate role.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Apr 2021
The interview process consisted of some tests as well as an assessment day.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Mar 2021
The interview process was similar to all graduate programs. I found the psychometric testing to be quite difficult and disengaging, but the rest was pretty good
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2021
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Standard behavioural questions. Was also required to prepare a small presentation on a topic for the interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Oct 2021
I was asked standard interview questions such as resolving conflict, demonstrating teamwork and how I handled any challenges.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Oct 2021
They were all behavioural questions which required examples of situations from previous work or university. We were also asked to prepare a presentation on which technologies/innovations we would like to see implemented at PEXA.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Apr 2021
Provide an example where you have helped someone, improving their experience. What do you know about PEXA? I don't remember the rest.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2021
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
No real specific tips, just follow the same preparation practices that you would for any other company. The nature of the work at PEXA can be a little tricky to understand at first so if possible, try and understand what they do as best as possible.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Oct 2021
Not specifically for PEXA, but interviews in general; be yourself and genuine. Trying to be someone you're not to fit in can be tiring and unsustainable. It is healthier finding a workplace you feel comfortable in. Rehearse your answers to common questions that appear in interviews such as challenges, dispute resolution and teamwork. Try to either make these answers stand out or have experiences that set you apart from the rest of the other graduates! Find your niche and capitalize on it!
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Oct 2021
Be passionate about your interests and how you can use them to add value to the company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Apr 2021
Try to understand the work culture. Dress appropriately and take any opportunities to come to the office that are presented.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Mar 2021
Research the company, it will help when answering the questions as you can relate it back. Try to put your best foot forward in the whole process, we are interested in you as a person as well.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2021