IT Graduate - NMMS Testing Manager at NEC Australia
Master of Cyber Security at University of Waikato
What's your background? What was it that drew you to initially apply for the NEC IT Graduate Program?
My journey began at Waikato University in Hamilton New Zealand, where I completed my Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and then Master of Cyber Security.
I chose the IT Graduate Program because of the flexibility the rotational program offers. After completing my studies at Waikato University, I had few interests that I wanted to explore more. I believed the rotational program would provide the flexibility to find where my true interest lies by working in different departments and getting a better understanding of how each department contributes towards NEC’s mission. I felt that the flexibility of the program would help build my technical skills, communication skills and help accelerate my personal and professional development.
What does a typical day look for you, and what are you currently working on?
For my first rotation, I worked with the Service Delivery team in Perth, WA. My daily tasks included assisting in the production of monthly reports for Government Agencies, extracting and analysing data using Remedy and Xtraction software, writing user manuals, writing training materials, user guides and attending customer meetings with Service Delivery Managers.
Currently I am on my third rotation with the Digital Services and Analytics team, where I am involved with the GovNext Portal which NEC uses to deliver services to GovNext clients. On a typical day I could be working on anything ranging from code development to billing systems and support.
Additionally, I spend two days a week working with the Network Monitoring and Management Solution (NMMS) Core project team as a Testing manager where I manage and coordinate all testing.
What have you enjoyed most about your experience in the Graduate Program?
Mostly I have enjoyed the support my team has given me; they are skilled in their areas of expertise and are willing to share their knowledge and experience. They are always available for me to ask questions. They are a team who understands my value and are committed to my personal and professional development.
What are the limitations of your job?
The graduate program is based on an 18-month rotation throughout various NEC departments. The limitation is you don’t always get to choose which department you are most interested in. You might end up on a rotation or department that you may not like. Despite this limitation, this does however, provide the opportunity to challenge yourself, push you out of your comfort zone and will help you to learn new skills.
What have you gained from working at NEC from a career perspective?
NEC has given me the opportunity to build my technical skills through on the job learning and the use of Learning and Development platforms such as Skillsoft and Partner Portals. Through this and the support of my team, I was able to pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exams and became a certified Cloud Practitioner.
Other technical skills learned include C#, Visual Studio, PowerShell scripting, SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) and SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services). NEC also provide a buddy who will provide guidance and support to help you achieve the technical learning outcomes.
What kind of characteristics or skills do you believe a Graduate needs to be successful in the program?
To be successful in the program you need to be passionate and curious about technology. Be a great team player who is open minded and ready to take on responsibilities. It’s all about helping each other build a positive working environment that helps everyone achieve their goals and meeting NEC’s objectives.
Another important skill to have is organisational skills, being able to show that you can prioritize, work efficiently and productively, and manage your time well is very crucial.
3 pieces of advice for yourself when you were a student...
Networking, Networking, Networking. It’s one of the most powerful career building tools that I wished someone would have advised me while studying at Waikato University. The purpose of networking is to form a relationship with people in your industry that will get you to where you want to go.
So, if you're looking for graduate roles, career guidance, industry insight, or internship leads, someone in your network can help you out. Most importantly these connections could also play an integral role in helping you secure your first job out of University.