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Leidos Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Sustainability at Leidos Australia

7.5 rating for Sustainability, based on 88 reviews
Please comment on your company's efforts in this area.
As the company uses coffee pods, they are paying additional money for a company to recycle these, so they don't just go to land fill. Furthermore, there are plenty of recycling bins and provided cutlery so that you aren't just using single use plastics.
Graduate, Canberra - 13 Jul 2023
Light sensors are used throughout the office, correct use of bins.
Graduate, Canberra - 13 Jul 2023
Not overly applicable. But they are replacing the lights to use less electricity where possible.
Graduate, Scoresby - 13 Jul 2023
We're a software consultancy company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 May 2021
Https://www. Leidos. Com/company/responsibility-and-sustainability/environment
Midlevel, Melbourne - 26 May 2021
I know it is considered, could be better
Graduate, Canberra - 18 May 2021
Haven't observed any environmental sustainability initiatives.
Midlevel, Canberra - 10 May 2021
Can't say much since i don't know too much however most of the packaging used for our food is biodegradable so i'd say it's good.
Graduate, Canberra - 10 May 2021
Could do a lot more in its environmental efforts
Midlevel, Melbourne - 24 Feb 2020
Greater focus on sustainability in recent years.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Feb 2020
Haven't seen enough to comment deeply. But we keep as much as possible in digital format.
Graduate, melbourne - 13 Feb 2020
I haven't seen much other than the standard done by most companies nowadays of "use reusable stuff and don't waste paper" etc. There haven't been any green initiatives that i can think of.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 12 Feb 2020
All around the office there are bins, each labelled either recycle or waste to landfill.
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Feb 2020
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Jul 2017
Automated lighting, "green office". Seems fine. Lots of computers left on overnight though.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Jul 2017
Graduate, Outer suburbs of Melbourne - 14 Jul 2017
I'm not aware of any initiative in this area other than the lights automatically turning off when no one is in the room.
Midlevel, Canberra - 12 Jul 2017
No specific initiatives, but as an it company, reducing data-centre/computer power consumption is as much a business goal as it is an environmental goal. All the company workstations are low-power models.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jul 2017
No idea if there is any initiative.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Jul 2017
I'm not aware of active initiatives except for disclaimers about saving trees near the printers.
Graduate, Canberra - 10 Jul 2017