Updating Results

Harvey Norman

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees


2019 Graduate at Harvey Norman

Bachelor of Commerce at Deakin University

To start my day at work I walk through the Small Appliance Department to ensure ticketing and everything else is all up to date.

7.10 AM

I wake up, walk my dog and have breakfast.

7.55 AM

Start my drive through the Melbourne traffic. On my way to work, I will listen to the radio, a podcast or plan out my various tasks that need to be completed for the day or the week.

8.40 AM

To start my day at work I walk through the Small Appliance Department to ensure ticketing and everything else is all up to date. I then go through any unread emails and write a list of tasks/goals that need doing for the day. I will then review any stock that we are low on that needs ordering.

Jordan starts his day at work

11.00 AM

At this time during the day we will usually grab a trolley and head to the warehouse to collect stock to bring onto the floor for sales. Before the lunch rush, restocking is a good time to bring out items we may not have on the floor. I work with a colleague to share the tasks of re-stocking and merchandising.

Jordan shares tasks with his colleague

1.00 PM

After lunch, we work on customer service and continue to merchandise the store so it is looking in good condition. I will chat with my Proprietor in regards to stock or jobs that need to be done around the store. However as I am still learning, I will also ask for advice on how to improve myself and my department.

3.30 PM

Towards the back half of the day I continue to work on the jobs that were set at the start of the day. During this time customer service is always the main priority. Ticketing is also an essential part of the business therefore if there are any price changes throughout the day we need to print new tickets.

Jordan assists customers

5.30 PM

Just before closure I will sit down and run through what I achieved in the day and what tasks still need to be completed. I will compile a list and leave it for tomorrow to ensure nothing is forgotten. My daily life in Harvey Norman is always different which is what I love about this job; no two days are the same.

6:30 PM

I will often go to the gym after work, spend some time with friends or attend Harvey Norman Award nights representing our store.

Jordan spends time with friends after work