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Downer New Zealand

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Downer New Zealand

8.1 rating for Recruitment, based on 16 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Pretty standard for a graduate recruitment process.
Graduate, Palmerston North - 05 Aug 2022
Had one in-person interview with two managers and one online interview with the graduate programme manager
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
The interview ran for a whole day essentially. There were around 40 candidates and there was a variety of challenges, team building activities and interviews.
Graduate, Wellington - 03 Aug 2022
1 pre-recorded video interview followed by 2 live interviews on line.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
I admire the companies efforts in the interview stages. Downer knows the type of people it wants, putting us through 3 interviews along with an assessment centre (in covid times, this stage was replaced with an extra interview). These were nerve wrecking at the time, but definitely helps add to an individual's character and confidence.
Graduate, Palmerston North - 03 Aug 2022
I was invited to attend the intern assessment centre in 2020, and secured an internship. My performance in this role and the experience it gave me helped tremendously in my graduate application. I had already built rapport with some of the interviewers and this helped me to relax and interview well.
Graduate, Christchurch - 03 Aug 2022
Due to already completing two internships with downer I only had one interview where I presented about my internships.
Graduate, Christchurch - 03 Aug 2022
Good. clear fast and efficient. Felt they provided good feed back and provided ample opportunity for you to ask questions that you
Graduate, Nelson - 03 Aug 2022
I Interned here in 20/21 so the hiring process was sort of streamlined for me as I went straight to the interview panel. About a few weeks after I was given the green light.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
I thought the interview process was done well with the questions that were asked being relevant to the position I was applying for.
Graduate, Tauranga - 03 Aug 2022
Was good but I feel my more direct team did not get the chance to know me properly before starting
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
Interviewed at an intern level which was a good process. 1-Way video, Assessment centre incl. short interview. No further interviews undertaken to progress into grad position (Although was a special case)
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Strengths & weaknesses. Personal interests. Where I would like to go within the company. Why I chose to apply with Downer.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
A story of A challenging work scenario and how I dealt with it.
Graduate, Wellington - 03 Aug 2022
Mainly centered around my experience during internships, and during my time at university. Some questions asking how I'd respond/act in certain situations.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
I believe some of the questions were "what inspired to you be an engineer", " what are your hobbies", "where do you see yourself in 2-5 years", " what are your strengths/weaknesses". Generally the questions were relatively standard, with a few challenging ones thrown into the mix, which I thought was good, making us think carefully about our answers.
Graduate, Palmerston North - 03 Aug 2022
The best part was the "10 minute" PowerPoint about my intern work, which went 5 minutes over time because I couldn't fit everything in fast enough! The rest of the questions mostly regarded this, and what I have enjoyed about engineering at university.
Graduate, Christchurch - 03 Aug 2022
Strengths weakness, are you flexible in your work... cant remember that well
Graduate, Nelson - 03 Aug 2022
They asked me about why I want to join the company, some questions regarding how I would react in certain environments and just what my future outlook was for myself.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
What would I do in a situation where I made a mistake? How I would approach the situation? Issues of conflict and how I showed leadership.
Graduate, Tauranga - 03 Aug 2022
What would you do in this situation? Where do you see yourself?
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
Tell me about yourself Describe a conflict you've been in Describe a situation where health and safety has been breached (and what did you do)
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Be yourself. Be open to getting to know who is interviewing you.
Graduate, Palmerston North - 05 Aug 2022
Be yourself
Graduate - 04 Aug 2022
Relax. Don't be nervous. Be open and honest with answering interview questions.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
Be confident.
Graduate, Wellington - 03 Aug 2022
Research the company and the different business units, know what you'd like to work in.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
I would advise to do some research on the company, know what we do, and be relaxed in the interviews. The interviewer/s appreciate authentic responses and when you are relaxed, you can take your time and give a genuine response. Don't try and memorise too many generic answers.
Graduate, Palmerston North - 03 Aug 2022
The most important thing is to understand that those selecting interns/grads are human too, and at one point were facing a similar challenge to get their foot in the door. This will help you to relax and perform at your best, as they want you to.
Graduate, Christchurch - 03 Aug 2022
Make sure you spend a good amount of time researching about the company and the culture.
Graduate, Christchurch - 03 Aug 2022
Get involved in the company early through the intern program, come to interviews prepared, look for opportunity and reach out.
Graduate, Nelson - 03 Aug 2022
Be 100% yourself. don't stress too much about it. take your time when answering questions.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
Be yourself. I learned that an interview isn't meant to be stressful and that it should be treated like a conversation.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
Bring your personality to the company and show that you are willing to learn as much as you can and are prepared to give it your all. Best way to prepare would be to just go through the various skills you have listed on your CV and recall an event or time where you have demonstrated stated skills.
Graduate, Tauranga - 03 Aug 2022
Be open and honest, but most importantly be yourself! Downer want to see authenticity and your ability to communicate and lead above all else.
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022
Get some answers for the questions under you belt and show you are motivated
Graduate, Auckland - 03 Aug 2022