Speaking from a graduate position the base training is organised for you so is very easier to develop the main skills of this company. Their is always the option to utilise training budget and complete external courses if that is something you want to do. The company is always open for ideas around training and people have the option to do their own training. For example my manager setup a goal for my peers and I to catch up fortnightly and work through a free C++ course.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Sep 2024
The company offers as much training as you are willing to do. I have done training on both my specific job i.e.. commercial acumen, negotiation, Intellectual Property, dealing with claims, professional accreditation etc. And also non-job specific training such as finance, estimating and pricing, legal etc
Senior Commercial Officer, Perth - 03 Sep 2024
Trainings can be useful and interesting. On the job I have learnt some PowerPoint, Excel and VBA, and some usage of Tableau.
Finished graduate program, Adelaide - 02 Sep 2024
We have an online portal with various training modules across a variety of domains for anyone in the company to access and use as they wish.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Aug 2024
I felt I have been exposed to a lot of training that I haven't seen in previous companies which is great.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Aug 2024
There is a plethora of training opportunities which are very professional and thought out. The internal learning site is very useful in keeping track of and applying for training.
Graduate, Newcastle - 21 Aug 2024
From some of the trainings I have attended they teach you better ways to work on a big project within a team and how to problem solve issues if you get stuck. Other trainings I have attended teach good methods and practices to self improvement in the work space.
Graduate, Adelaide - 20 Aug 2024
Training is at an excellent standard particularly with E&P. We're lucky to have this access to knowledge in house.
Mid-level Officer, Adelaide - 19 Aug 2024
Training courses can be hit and miss. Some courses are not lead in an engaging way, leaning towards showing PowerPoint presentations rather than teaching.
Courses that encourage active group engagement seem to be far more valuable to me.
Personally, I feel I have picked up more skills from doing my job than attending training courses.
Graduate, Adelaide - 19 Aug 2024
There is an entire department within finance dedicated to modernisation and process improvement. In particular the finance capability team are developing new training packages for staff as a whole and employment pathways for interns and graduates.
I was given dedicated time from a team member to help with my training. As I become familiar and confident with a set of tasks, I would seek out new opportunities and again I would have someone sit with my and go through the process step by step.
I am now more familiar with various processes in the periodic nature of accounting, software applications specific to the business, labour accounting, account reconciliations, internal controls, journal processing and recording of foreign exchange transactions
Intern, Adelaide - 16 Aug 2024
General training within the team is fun because there are so many people willing to show you what they're working on or how to do things. Formal trainings can be either online modules, online classes or in person classes. These have been anywhere from general trainings for workplace health and safety, to systems engineering trainings, trainings for particular programs, individual workplace skills trainings such as presentation skills, working in teams etc. There are so many opportunities for training, so listing all the skills I've picked up is unreasonable, but I can say that from all the trainings I've done, I've learnt ways to work effectively in the workplace as well as how to work in an engineering environment and how to use programs required of my job.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Aug 2024
Could be more technical training available. The training available to complete and that I have completed is often irrelevant to the work I am doing, but there is poor guidance on which training would be valuable to take. Training that would be worthwhile often has a long wait list. Informal, on-the-job training is okay, it usual is provided when I request help from someone I know has the experience and knowledge to answer question.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Aug 2024
Diploma of project management through an accredited body (if not already accredited), regular refresher training of PM practises adapted to company processes. Grad training tailored to professional development such as learning your communication style and what other styles exist to understand how to communicate to these people more effectively
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Aug 2024
The company has a bunch of training that can be completed. They also have guides and wikis on everything you could think of. Each graduate is also partnered up with a work buddy that works alongside you that you can ask questions whenever needed. They have also set up continuous training sessions weekly for all employees, not just graduates. Graduates also have additional sessions and workshops for training.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Aug 2024
Continuous safety training and updates within the industry + knowledge
Intern, Melbourne - 15 Aug 2024
A lot of opportunities available. Many very in depth, comprehensive, in important technical areas and well presented. BAE excels in this regard
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Aug 2024
coworkers are very knowledgably in their work, also been given formal RedHat training + the option to do a RedHat Exam
Graduate, Adelaide - 15 Aug 2024
we use Spark which holds all of our training.
Graduate, Adelaide - 06 Aug 2024
Multiple Systems Engineering course
Graduate, Adelaide - 05 Aug 2024
Training is offered for all employees, and can be in the form of online modules or in-person courses. There is a list available to us describing which of these we need to complete as graduates, and it is easy to sign up or start these. There is often the criticism that training courses could have more breadth, and more support from the company. For me, my main criticism is that while relaxing, training courses can be very slow, and so I can often start to get a little bit bored. I would be happy to see more training courses related to the field of my study (Artificial Intelligence), although I realise that I may be the one who might have to carry that torch in the future given that ours is primarily an engineering company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Aug 2024