Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Sep 2024
Graduate, Adelaide - 10 Sep 2024
Good in theory, lacking in practice.
Graduate, Adelaide - 10 Sep 2024
There isn't much of a culture all the time, most people will utilise the hybrid working arrangement so the office can fluctuate between how many people are in. There is multiple opportunities throughout the year to take part in the social club activities which are fun things to do outside of work and meet people. In summary when there is things on the culture is good but sometimes it is hard to utilise the culture with the remote working.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Sep 2024
The team culture in my immediate team is great, but don't have visibility over the broader organisation. My manager as well as other managers and senior leaders are always available for questions, discussions etc.. notwithstanding how busy they are. The team often gets together to problem solve issues and have weekly catch-ups. The team is based all around Australia and are often flown to a location to take part in fun team building activities.
Senior Commercial Officer, Perth - 03 Sep 2024
Colleagues are pleasant, but limited opportunities for young people to socialise.
Finished graduate program, Adelaide - 02 Sep 2024
The culture here is great, Work-Life balance is really emphasised, everyone is willing to help you out as a new grad.
Graduate, Newcastle - 02 Sep 2024
We're like friends in our team, we all joke together and mess around sometimes (when appropriate), and chat about non-work related interests outside of work hours.
The team has each others backs, and anybody in another team is never afraid to lend a hand when we need it.
The management team and hierarchy is clearly structured, and provide a good deal of support to those below them.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Aug 2024
Everyone I have come across in the Company is lovely. As I am busy with work sometimes I forget to talk to my colleagues. There are dinners that occur after hours which is nice. I have met and feel comfortable to be around those who are in higher grades then me, they don't treat me differently because I am a Graduate.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Aug 2024
Extremely welcoming, vast in experience, and accommodating in learning. The employees are very friendly and often organise events together.
Graduate, Newcastle - 21 Aug 2024
The culture at my work has it moments that I see needs improving however its a very quiet and respectful culture most of the times. As I've only been with my current project 8 months its hard to get a foothold into the work. Majority of the co-workers only work with a few others and rarely ask for help outside there group.
Graduate, Adelaide - 20 Aug 2024
There isn't that much opportunity to socialise with people I don't know. It's easier to stick to the same crowd. In the smaller teams there seems to be a lot more communication and socialisation
Hired as graduate, no longer in graduate program, Melbourne - 20 Aug 2024
Office culture is good. Low retention in E&P. Colleague support each other really well with sense of humour and commitment during tight deadlines. Socialising is fine out of work hours though I suggest slightly more frequency in activities.
Mid-level Officer, Adelaide - 19 Aug 2024
very supportive and hardworking culture. Our company culture aims to ensure you have all the important tools for you to succeed.
There is not a lot of after hours events
Graduate, Adelaide - 18 Aug 2024
Monthly team based birthday lunches. Occasional afterhours drinks events. Celebrations of various awareness days such as for IDOC weeks, harmony day and reconciliation day. Lots of community involvement from the business and staff.
Intern, Adelaide - 16 Aug 2024
I have worked many casual and part time jobs in my life and never felt this supported and comfortable in a work environment. The people are always very friendly, easy to chat to and happy to meet new people. I work in a small team that's part of a larger team of teams, where my manager is the main bridge between other teams, but we are encouraged to collaborate with others from the larger team to improve workplace efficiency as well as sustaining positive relationships with others. My manager is very supportive and flexible when I request leave or need to make appointments on work days and never makes me feel like I'm inconveniencing the team if I move my hours around.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Aug 2024
Large business overall, the program I work in is made up of a lot of people who have worked together in this program for a long time (>10 years), but are still welcoming to new comers and younger engineers. Relatively diverse workforce. although not many women in engineering (<20%). Cooperation is usually good, a little bit of clash between certain teams and people but nothing that makes people feel uncomfortable or stressed on a day-to-day basis. Colleagues are social and friendly with all others.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Aug 2024
Team has likeminded individuals that can work together effectively and respectfully. The culture is friendly and socialable with some work and outside of work friendships within the team. Company social events occur every couple of months which are popular and informal after work socialising occurs in small groups frequently throughout the company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Aug 2024
The culture at the office is great, especially for such a large company. The only thing it is really missing is that closeness that you can only get with a small business of 10 or less employees. However, BAE has many initiatives that help bring colleagues together. One such example is the social club, which will consistently catch up to partake in activities and social gatherings.
BAE will also fly in graduates from different states to meet team members that work in a different state, attend graduate specific events, and to do site tours.
BAE also have fortnightly and monthly meetings where our leaders will discuss how the projects and teams are progressing. This is a great way to keep all employees informed and increases transparency throughout the company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Aug 2024
Very friendly and approachable. Good sense of team spirit with a lot of events and relaxed informal atmosphere
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Aug 2024